Film info

Creator / Collector

00:00 Hellenic Airport
00:10 Nicosia
01:44 Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios Mansion (Ethnological Museum)
02:10 Archdiocese
02:21 Hilton Nicosia
02:40 Bella Pais
03:12 Makariou Avenue in Nicosia
04:20 church of Apostolos Varnavas
05:05 Salamina
05:50 Othello's Tower in Varosi
06:50 Famagusta
07:48 Mount Pentadaktylos
08:38 Kurio
09:00 stone of Romios
09:30 castle in Paphos with the mosaics
13:23 Μοναστήρι Κυκκου
13:44 Nicosia Airport - Return back to Athens

The film begins with the filmmaker leaving Athens with his partner for Cyprus. We see Olympic Airways planes and aerial shots. Then, Nicosia within the walls and the Archdiocese before the coup. Afterwards, the lens shows us the Nicosia Hilton, which no longer exists.

The view changes with shots of the road from the moving car and Bella Pais. The camera, then, shows us Makariou Avenue in Nicosia with shops and people coming and going. The recording continues with the church of Apostolos Varnavas and views of Salamina.

We see Othello's Tower in the Varosi area, a ghost town in the southern part of the Cypriot city of Famagusta. Before the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, it was the modern tourist area of ​​Famagusta and then, we see views from Famagusta.

The filmmaker gives us shots from Mount Pentadaktylos and from Kurio, an ancient city on the SW coast of Cyprus near the diocese. We proceed with the stone of Romios, shots of the moving car and the castle in Paphos with the mosaics.

The film closes with views of the area, Kykkos Monastery and aerial shots of the return to Athens.


Film Information

Athanasoglou Nikolaos




Duration (seconds)


Creator's description

We had gone to Cyprus in April of 1974 at the urging of my future wife, who is of Cypriot descent. The house of Dragomanos Hatzigeorgakis Kornesiou was a family residence, we have spent several summers there! Then it became a museum...
Afterwards, we went with a Cypriot friend at Mount Pentadaktylos for a picnic... how could we imagine that it would be under Turkish occupation a few months later.
We were 29 years old...
Athanasoglou Nikolaos